Keyword Overview

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Keyword Overview is part of our ASO Tools. It's built to help you better understand how your apps are ranked in app stores on the keywords you've added to track (you can add keywords in Keyword Tracking).

The page provides a clear picture of which apps are first shown in the search results when end-users look up a certain keyword in the stores on their devices. You can find this tool in the left-side menu →
Accelerate → ASO & keywords → ASO tools → Keyword overview.

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Page Navigation

We show all the keywords you've added for apps in this workspace. To better analyze data, you can use the following filters and options:


  1. Enable keyword translation, show only apps you're tracking, edit keywords, and export data.
  2. Filter data by date*, country, and device type**.
  3. Find specific keywords in the search bar and filter them by groups.
  4. Sort keywords by name, popularity, and app position.

*Date. Set two dates to see how app positions changed in the search results. + digit next to the app position (#number) means it ranked up, whereas - digit means it dropped. 
**Device type. Switch between the iPhone/iPad (the App Store) and Android (Google Play Store) apps.


  • Your apps are highlighted in the table in blue.
  • Hover over an app icon to see its position in the search results for each keyword in the table (if applicable) highlighted in yellow.
  • You can see how many keywords (if any) you're tracking in the country filter (2) next to the OS logo.
  • A little star symbol next to the app position indicates that you've marked this app as a favorite.
  • To see all apps rankings (up to 100 positions) for a certain keyword, scroll to the right side and click "Show more":


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