If you come across some difficulties with the Google Play Console connections, please check the basic troubleshooting steps below. You'll find more detailed troubleshooting guides in the Troubleshooting section of our help center.
If you see a specific error, use our help center search to find a related article.
Permissions Settings
Account Permissions and App Access
If you have trouble with setting up the Google Play connection, first of all, please check the permissions and app access settings of the Google Developer account.
The Google Developer account should have the correct permission settings in order to set up the connections.
- For the Reply to Reviews connection, the Service account should have the "View app information" and "Reply to reviews" permissions.
- For the ASO Report connection, you should grant the ‘View app information’ permission for the android2022b@appfollow.io account. This account needs to have read-only access to the app.
- For the Report a Concern connection, the Google developer account should have "Reply to reviews" permission.
Manage Permissions
If you don't have the required permissions granted for your Google Developer account, you can ask the Google Developer account owner or another user with the appropriate access level to provide the permissions for you.
Permissions are managed from Google Developer account -> Settings -> Users & permissions section:
In some cases, you may need to first find out who the account owner is.
If you have access to the list of users in Google Play, you'll see an indication of who the owner is in this list. Here's how to find them:
- In the Google Play Console, open the Users and Permissions page.
- You'll see a table with all of the users of the account.
- In the far-right column of the table, each user has a blue arrow icon that leads you to their permission settings.
- Scroll until you find the user without an arrow icon. This is the account owner.
App Access
The Google developer account that is used for the connection settings should have access to the app. The owner of the Google Developer account can grant global or per-app access to users before setting up permissions:
- Global: Global access applies to all apps in the developer account.
- Per-app: Per-app access only applies to the selected app.
If everything looks okay but the connection still isn't configuring, please try in incognito/private browsing mode as well.
Troubleshooting an Existing Google Play Connection
You can check the status of the connection on the Source connections page. To check if the connection is working, click on Actions -> Check Status. If the connection is highlighted in red and the status is ‘Error’, it means that it needs to be reset. The details of the error are available when you hover your mouse over the error icon.
Replies Are Not Published
Reply to Reviews API Quota Reached
AppFollow allows you to reply to customer reviews from the Google Play Store. However, Google Play limits the volumes of reviews that can be published daily - 500 replies per day. Learn how to increase Google Play limits when replying to reviews.
The Reply Text is Too Long
The reply text for a review in Google Play has a limit of 350 symbols. Make sure your reply is within this limit.