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AppFollow workspaces allow you to build diverse workflows within a single account. You can separate and manage these workflows by team, goal, or use case.
Read on to learn more about what a workspace is, how to create one, and which use cases they cover. 

💡 Good to Know: There's no limit to creating workspaces: you can create as many as you need.

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  • The same app can be added to one or more workspaces if you need to track it separately.
  • Apps live in a workspace: if you need to move an app from one workspace to another, you can delete it from its primary location and add it to the new location – or keep it in both workspaces.
  • Each workspace has a unique set of integrations: if the same app is added into different workspaces, its integrations should be configured in each workspace separately.
  • When you start tracking Keywords, they apply to the whole workspace, not to a specific app in this workspace.

Create a Workspace 

  1. Click on the workspace dropdown in the left-hand menu and select “Add New Workspace”.
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  2. Type the name of your workspace in the pop-up window.
  3. Select the countries you want to track in the workspace. If you want to track all available countries, select "Worldwide".
  4. Select which Email Reports you want to receive, and how often.
  5. Specify the email addresses that should receive these Reports.
  6. After you finish creating the workspace, it's time to add your first apps or products, and voilà! – you're all set.

To open your workspaces list in a separate window, click "All Workspaces"

Workspace Settings

Change your workspace settings at any time by clicking on the ⚙️ icon next to it or from the workspaces list. The available settings:

  • Workspace name – rename your workspace whatever fits you best.
  • Select countries to monitor app reviews, ranks, keywords, etc – choose specific countries or keep "Worldwide" to see reviews on the "Reply to reviews" page from all countries where the app is available. These settings will also affect the helpdesk, email, and messenger integrations.
  • Select default country – this country will be selected on your app's page in "My apps" by default.
  • Select default language – this will affect which language the app's metadata is displayed in the "My apps" section (i.e. app descriptions, release notes, etc.) and email reports if you set any on the 4th step above.

Delete a Workspace

If you'd like to remove a workspace, navigate to the settings page by clicking on "All Workspaces" from the dropdown menu.

  1. On the drop-down menu, find the workspace you need to delete.
  2. Click on the trash can symbol in the bottom left corner of the card.
  3. Click "Delete Workspace Anyway" in the pop-up window to confirm your action.

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Workspace Setup Examples 

Check out the following example use cases to get some inspiration for the different Workspaces you can configure in AppFollow.

Product & General Management

Separate your Workspaces by:

  1. Your apps/products and competitors. This approach helps manage the frequency of reports and updates you get, so it is a good option to group your competitors separately from your own apps or products. 
  2. Platforms. If different teams manage different stores, there is nothing more efficient than creating a Workspace for each platform: Apple & Mac Stores, Google Play, Amazon, and Microsoft.
  3. Teams. If multiple teams are working with AppFollow, you can easily create different Workspaces for them and restrict access between them: Marketing, Customer Support, Product, and so. 
  4. App publisher or projects. If you have a dedicated team managing a specific app or set of apps, products, or games across multiple platforms, you can create different workspaces for each of them.

ASO & Marketing

If you have apps from different categories, you can keep your data clean by creating a new Workspace for each app category (fitness, gaming, music, and so on), since the keywords you track are applied to all apps in your Workspace. 

💡 Pro Tip: Add your competitors to each category Workspace too. This will help you discover new relevant keywords and speed up the creation of your semantic core.

Customer Support

Separate your Workspaces by:

  1. App language. If you have different language-speaking support teams, create multiple Workspaces and choose the relevant countries for them. For example: add only Australia, Canada, Ireland, South Africa, the UK, the USA, and New Zealand in the Workspace settings so that only English language reviews would be routed into this Workspace.
  2. Integration or Help Desk systems. If your Support teams work in different Help Desk systems or have different workflows with reviews, you can create a dedicated Workspace for each of the Help Desks or integration systems.

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