Search Visibility Score

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In AppFollow, you'll find a variety of metrics to help you evaluate and optimize your ASO strategy. In this article, you'll learn about the Search Visibility Score.

Search Visibility Score

The Search Visibility Score shows how well an app is optimized for Organic Traffic User Acquisition and how visible the app is in the store search results. 

You can find the Search Visibility Score on the Organic Traffic Dashboard. This score is also a crucial metric for calculating an app's Store Performance Index. You can find the results of these calculations on the App Page.

The Organic Traffic Dashboard provides insights into the dynamics of the app's Search Visibility Score, as well as shows the average score for period.


The score is presented as both absolute values and percentages.

To calculate the absolute number, we use an algorithm based on over 10 different metrics. These metrics include all of the app's indexed keywords, rankings, popularity, and more. We combine the data to show a number that you can use to compare your app's search visibility with that of your competitors.

To calculate the percentage, we look at the absolute Search Visibility Index of the top 100 apps in the relevant category and pinpoint where your app sits in comparison to these apps. The higher the percentage, the more you're outperforming your competitors. For example, a Search Visibility Score of 19% means that your app's search visibility is better than the visibility of 19% of the apps in the same category.

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