Can't send replies from interface: Error while publishing

Article author
Aisha Turdumambetova
  • Updated

You encounter an error message stating "error while publishing" when attempting to send a reply.

CleanShot 2024-03-11 at 13.06.05@2x.png

Cause №1: Integration Is Inactive

  • Ensure that you have the "Reply to Reviews" integration set up. Without this integration, you won't be able to post replies. Follow these links for set-up instructions Google Play Console Integration, App Store Connect Integration
  • Even if the integration is set up, there might be hiccups or errors. Verify that your integration is running smoothly.

Cause №2: Character Limit

Check that your reply adheres to the character limits imposed by each store:

  • Google Play: 350 characters
  • App Store: 5970 characters
  • If your reply exceeds the character limit for the respective store, it won't be posted.

After ensuring that you've followed the above steps, if you continue to encounter the error while publishing replies, please reach out to our Support Team for further assistance. We're here to help you resolve any issues you may encounter.

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