Alerts: Review Transfer

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  • Updated


Set up the Review Transfer alert to get a notification when you receive a new review that matches your alert filter. We check the reviews feed for new reviews and send new ones every 30 minutes. Updated reviews are currently not supported.

It's possible to receive alerts via:

  • Slack
  • Telegram
  • Email

In this article, you'll learn how to set up a Review Transfer alert, how to reply to a review, and how to use additional filters.

Set Up a Smart Alert

To find information on how to set up any alert, check out the following article: Alerts: Create and Edit

  1. Open the Alerts section in the left-hand navigation panel.
  2. Choose the app for which you want to set up an alert.
  3. Select the Review Transfer alert.
  4. Configure the rules and conditions. Available conditions include Language, Rating, Review type, Rating change, and Semantic tags.
    Note: The Semantic tags filter is available when the feature is activated in your account and the app is marked as a favorite in your Apps dashboard in AppFollow
  5. Select the channel where you want to receive the alert: email, Slack, or Telegram.
    Note: You may check the "Set alert daily" option to receive alerts for all new reviews received during the day in a batch once a day. Without the "Set alert daily", alerts will be sent real-time with each new review received.
  6. Choose an Alert name and review your settings.
  7. Click "Create alert" to save your changes.

For the Review Transfer Alert live delivery, a delay of up to one hour is possible.

Reply to a Review via Email

In order to be able to respond to a review, make sure to connect the Reply to Reviews integration for the corresponding app:

If you're replying to reviews via email, you're all set!


Reply to a Review via Slack

In order to be able to respond to a review, make sure to connect the Reply to Reviews integration for the corresponding app:

Once you've checked that the integration is in place:

  1. Add the AppFollow Slack Bot app to your Slack account.
  2. Make sure @appfollow_review_upda is in the channel where you receive your reviews.
  3. When you receive a review in Slack, the Reply to Review button is now displayed under the notification.
  4. Click on the button to add a reply.



Reply to a Review via Telegram

In order to be able to respond to a review, make sure to connect the Reply to Reviews integration for the corresponding app:

Once you've checked that the integration is in place:

  1. Create a new Telegram group chat where you will receive your app's reviews. We recommend creating a separate group specifically for replying to reviews instead of using an existing one. This will ensure that an unintended reply is not sent to an end-user.
  2. Open the chat settings -> Edit -> Administrators (you should have admin rights to do this).
  3. Add @appfollow_reply_bot to Administrators.

  4. To disable ability to reply please active according setting. Otherwise if Reply to Reviews integration is set up for according app in the workspace - all comments can be considered as reply.Screenshot_2022-02-07_at_11.40.19.png
  5. You're done! If you need to go back and find the Chat ID at any point, click "Start" (or type /start) to get the Chat ID.



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