Auto-tag Conditions

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Auto-tag rules work with conditions based on review text, rating, language, translation, length, and Semantic Tags and Sentiment. Find more details about the available conditions in the tables below.

Text Conditions

Conditions are not case-sensitive.

Condition Description
Review text is The review is equal to the specified text
Review text is not The review is not equal to the specified text
Review text contains The review contains the specified text
Review text doesn’t contain The review doesn’t contain the specified text
Review text starts with The review starts with the specified text
Review text ends with The review ends with the specified text

It’s possible to use regular phrases for these conditions. For example, if the condition “Review text contains” is “tariff|price|expensive”, then the tag is assigned to all reviews that have any of the specified words. Learn more about conditions in our article on Auto-tags and Auto-replies: Advanced Conditions.

Rating and Length Conditions

Condition Description
Review rating/length = The review rating/length is equal to the specified number of stars/symbols
Review rating/length != The review rating/length is not equal to the specified number of stars/symbols
Review rating/length < The review rating/length is less than the specified number of stars/symbols
Review rating/length <= The review rating/length is equal to or less than the specified number of stars/symbols
Review rating/length > The review rating/length is greater than the specified number of stars/symbols
Review rating/length >= The review rating/length is equal to or greater than the specified number of stars/symbols

The Review length is calculated without the title.

Other Conditions

Condition Description
Language Apply the tag to reviews in a certain language(s). *Please note that this condition refers to the review language, not the device language.
Translation Looks for keywords in the translation text, based on the app’s Translation language. Important: this condition doesn't apply to untranslated reviews. If you need to cover both translated and untranslated versions, please choose the condition below instead. 
Review text or translation Looks for keywords in both the review and translation text, based on the app’s Translation language.
Semantic Tags Apply the tag to reviews with any or all of the selected Semantic Tags
Semantic Sentiment Apply the tag if the review has or does not have the selected Semantic Sentiment
App Select one or more apps for which the rule should be applied. When you use this condition, you limit the number of apps where the rule is triggered.
Review is featured Select "True" to apply this rule only for featured reviews, or "False" for reviews that are not featured. 

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