Speed up and streamline your work with customer reviews by replying to them with Reply Templates. By default, there are two negative and two positive reviews in your account. Build your own templates to create a set of canned replies for specific topics, apps, and languages.
Group your templates into folders to keep them organized and easy to find. Read on to learn how to create a folder for templates, create a template, and import your existing templates into AppFollow.
Create a Folder for Templates
- In the left-hand navigation menu, expand the Reply to Reviews section and click on "Templates List".
- Click "+Add New" in the top-right of the page and select "Folder".
- Enter the name of the new folder.
- If you want to include the new folder into an existing folder, select a parent folder.
- Click "Add Folder".
Create a Template
- In the left-hand navigation menu, expand the Reply to Reviews section and click on "Templates List".
- Click "+Add New" in the top-right of the page and select "Template".
- Enter a name for the new template.
- Type in the template’s reply text.
- If the template should be available only for specific apps, select the apps from the dropdown. If the template should be available for all apps in the workspace, leave the setting at “All applications”.
- Select a folder into which you want to include the new template.
- If you want to automatically assign tags to reviews where you use this template, select them here.
- Choose the AppFollow Workspace where this template should be available.
- Click "Add Template".
Import Templates
If you already have a working base of reply templates outside AppFollow, we’ve got you covered. Smoothly transfer to AppFollow by importing your existing templates into the system.
To import your existing templates:
- In the left-hand navigation menu, expand the Reply to Reviews section and click on "Templates List".
- Click "Import Templates" in the top-right of the page.
- Download our sample file.
- Edit the file to include your reply templates.
- Go back to the Import Templates window and re-upload the file.
Copy an Existing Template to a Different Workspace
Instead of creating new Templates from scratch, you can save time by copying an existing Template or Template Folder to a different workspace.
To copy a Template or a Template Folder:
- In the left-hand navigation menu, expand the Reply to Reviews section and click on "Templates".
- Click on the clipboard icon next to the Template or Folder that you want to copy.
- Select the workspace where you want to copy the Template or Folder.
- Click “Copy”.
Need more automation? Check out our Auto-replies feature.