Samsung Galaxy Store: Pages and Features Availability

Article author
Andressa Mendes
  • Updated

This feature is in public beta and is available to anyone who has an app in the Samsung Galaxy Store and has an account in AppFollow.


Here are the actions currently available in AppFollow for the Samsung Galaxy Store:

  • Adding Samsung apps to your account
  • Setting up an invite to Samsung Connect
  • Monitoring and replying to Samsung reviews
  • Applying manual and semantic tags
  • Monitoring tags and reviews on the Tags and Reviews charts

Add a Samsung app to your account

  1. In AppFollow, open the My apps page from the left-hand navigation menu and click on Add app:

    CleanShot 2024-05-27 at 18.20.41@2x.png

  2. Select the Galaxy Store on the Source list and add the full app link in the Search box (e.g., then click on Search. Please note that text search is not available for Samsung apps, so you will need to use the direct link from the store.
  3. Click on + Add app to finish the setup.

    CleanShot 2024-05-27 at 18.21.48@2x.png

Set up an invite to Samsung Connect

  1. Please follow these instructions to set up an invite to Samsung Connect: How to invite an user to the Samsung Galaxy store seller portal.
  2. After inviting the AppFollow user, go to your account > Integrations, make sure the correct app is selected, and click on "Link account":

    CleanShot 2024-05-27 at 18.24.25@2x.png

  3.  Click "Next" after you've followed the instructions on the screen, make sure to select the checkbox confirming that you've invited our user and click on "Add integration":

Monitor and Reply to Samsung reviews

Once the app is successfully added and the AppFollow user is invited to the Samsung Galaxy Store, you'll be able to monitor and reply to reviews from the Reply to Reviews page:

While working with reviews, you may also:

Commencing January 2024, the BETA version has been extended with the Reply to reviews functionality. If you have any suggestions about the Samsung Galaxy Store features, please feel free to submit them to our Productboard here.

  • Replies are published immediately, within several minutes.
  • Reviews are collected several times in an hour.

If there are reviews in the Galaxy Store and on your Samsung Seller portal but there are no reviews on AppFollow please contact our Support Team.

Why are we requesting additional permissions?

Sometimes, there's a discrepancy between the App Content ID shown in our console and the App Content ID displayed on public pages.
This discrepancy arises due to a bug on the Samsung seller portal & Samsung Public page - The correct content ID for the app is found on the Samsung seller Portal and the wrong one is on the Samsung Public page.

As a consequence, when you grant access to one app, a different one gets added to the AppFollow account. This mismatch prevents us from establishing the connection needed to collect reviews effectively.

To address this issue, you might encounter a setup connect modal window requesting additional permissions. These permissions go beyond the usual "buyer comment manager" and include "applications manager."
This will enable us to view the apps and verify the Content ID ourselves, facilitating the setup of the integration.

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