This feature is in public beta and is available to anyone who has an app in App Gallery and has an account in AppFollow.
The Huawei AppGallery connection allows you to reply to your AppGallery reviews and edit your responses directly from AppFollow.
To set up the connection, you'll need a Client ID and Key from your AppGallery Connect account. In this article, you'll learn how to obtain the AppGallery Client ID and Key and set up an connection in AppFollow.
Set up the Huawei AppGallery Connection
- In AppFollow, go to Integrations > Source connections in the left-hand navigation menu.
- From the app picker, select your Huawei app.
- Click on Link account on the Huawei AppGallery card.
- Switch to your AppGallery Connect account and choose All services.
- Navigate to the "Build" section of the menu and scroll down to the bottom.
Choose "Connect API" and click the "Create" blue button to add a new API client.
- Enter a name for your API client. For example, "AppFollow".
- In the Project section, select "N/A".
This setting ensures the API Client is created at the team level. If a specific project is selected, the connection will fail to configure.
- In the Roles section, select "Customer service".
- Click the blue "OK" button.
- You'll now see the Client ID and Key in the API client section. You'll use these values to finish setting up the connection in AppFollow during the next step.
- Switch back to AppFollow and paste the Client ID and Key into the connection setup window.
- Click "Add Integration"
- Done! You're now ready to start working with your app's reviews.
Commenting Rules
Please keep in mind that there are a few limitations on reviews and replies on Huawei's side that you may not find in other store reviews. See below limitations mentioned by Huawei:
- You cannot lead users to non-Huawei channels in comments and replies.
- Comments allow up to 800 characters, excluding any URL, QQ account, and phone number. Replies can contain QQ accounts and email addresses.
- Only comments of the last two years are retained by default.
To know more about how reviews and replies work for Huawei App Gallery, you can also check their knowledge base here.