API Access Methods

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Access the AppFollow API

1. Go to your AppFollow account > Integrations > API Dashboard and create/copy the API Token.

2. Choose an API method and create a request. If needed, specify any additional parameters you need.

You can also refer to the API documentation for more details and authorization instructions: https://docs.api.appfollow.io/reference/authorization

Read on to learn how to make a request through Postman.


To use the Postman API Client:

1. Create a Postman request without the "sign" parameter. 

The API Token parameter can be found in your API Dashboard. 

For example, for method App Collections List the request should look like this: https://api.appfollow.io/api/v2/account/apps

2. Go to the "Authorization" tab and select "API Key".

3. Enter "X-AppFollow-API-Token" into the "Key" field.

4. Enter the API Token into the "Value" field.

4. Click "Send" to process the request and receive a response from the server.

5. Configure all required endpoints in the same way. The API Token parameter of the request should be exactly the same as in your account settings, otherwise your request will be rejected by the server.

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