Set up Single Sign-On with Okta to provide your team with a single point of access to AppFollow.
How to set up
Sign in to your Okta account, and follow the steps below:
1. Open this page and click “Create New App”.
2. Choose SAML 2.0 and click “Next”.
3. Set up the following parameters:
- Single sign on URL:
- Audience URI (SP Entity ID):
- Default Relay State: enter your AppFollow account owner's email address
- Name ID Format: Email Address
- Application username: Email
Attribute Statements:
- Email, Basic,
- FirstName, Basic, user.firstName
- LastName, Basic, user.lastName
Default RelayState: Account Owner's email in AppFollow
Attribute Statements: these are mandatory fields
4. Copy SSO parameters to AppFollow admin:
- Issuer: Entity ID in AppFollow
- Sign On URL: SAML SSO URL in AppFollow
- Signing certificate: Public certificate in AppFollow
5. Open this link.
6. Paste here the parameters you have copied from step 5, and click “Save Changes”.
7. Return to your Okta account and assign the Application to users that will have access to AppFollow account:
8. Open Okta dashboard with apps
9. Log in to in a new tab in the browser
You should see the “Single Sign-On Enabled” sign.