Conversion Benchmark

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The Conversion Benchmark is a great reference point to estimate your ASO campaign results. Compare the average conversion rates by category with your app metrics to set goals and plan improvements. Consulting and Success teams may use the Conversion Benchmark for ASO audit.

The Conversion Benchmark is available in public and from your AppFollow account: Store Analytics → Conversion benchmark.CleanShot 2024-04-12 at 16.33.18@2x.png

Conversion rates are available for almost all major countries and are updated every month.  

For example, you have an educational app, and it has a conversion rate App Units / Impressions of 2.6% in the United States. The average CR by category in the United States is 4.8%. So, you may consider what else you can do with your app page (Title, Icon, Screenshots, and Avg. Rating) to increase the conversion rate.


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