Facebook Workplace Integration

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This integration helps you export reviews for your apps directly to Facebook Workplace. 

Set up the Facebook Workplace Integration

To set up the integration with Facebook Workplace, you need to:

  1. Open the Integration List page in your AppFollow account and select the app.
  2. Choose the Workplace by Facebook integration from the list and click "+Add Integration". To connect the integration, you need to enter Facebook Workplace GroupID and Access Token.
  3. To create Facebook Workplace group: login to Workplace as administrator.
  4. Select: Home → Your Groups → Create Group:
  5. Enter the Group Name and click "Next":

    Done. You can use the Group ID (last part of the URL) for AppFollow integration:
  6. To find the email: login to Workplace as administrator
  7. Select:  Dashboard → Integrations → Create Custom Integration

  8. Type integration name:

  9. Check Manage content permission, then click Create access token:Done. Use generated Access Token for AppFollow integration:
  10. Go back to the AppFollow Integrations List and paste Facebook Workplace Group ID and generated Access Token into the related fields in the integration settings pop-up window.
  11. Configure the stars for reviews to be sent.
  12. Click "Add integration".

After all is done, new reviews will be sent to Facebook Workspace. 






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