Write a Review About AppFollow on G2 Crowd

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Are you happy with AppFollow? We'd happy to know how AppFollow helps your team with reaching your goals.

Wear your heart upon your sleeve and share your opinion on AppFollow in G2 Crowd!

  1. Visit AppFollow’s page on g2.com.
  2. Scroll down a bit and press on Write a Review button.

  3. G2 will offer you to sign in or sign up via LinkedIn or Gmail. Once done you can start submitting your review.
    Please make sure you  sign in with your corporate email address.
  4. Rate AppFollow, give a title to your review. This could be a short summary, e.g. `A must-have tool for mobile owners`, `AppFollow helps us to get actionable insights`. Then press the `Next` button.
  5. Please answer on what you like best and what you dislike in AppFollow. Feel free to provide honest feedback, we’re happy to learn from it. You need to write at least 40 characters for each question. Press the `Next` button once done.
  6. Next question is what problems you solve with AppFollow. You can be short here, no need to write more than 40 characters. Press the `Next` button once done.
  7. Select for which purposes you use AppFollow with the next question.
  8. Select for which organization you use AppFollow or type in your company name. 
  9. Provide URL for your company’s website
  10. Select the size of the organization you currently work at and select industry.
  11. Select the industry from the drop down list. If you’re not sure, you can choose `Information technologies and Services`.
  12. Select `Yes` for the question on if you're a current AppFollow user. G2 will ask for the screenshot of your account from AppFollow. Please sign in to your account in AppFollow, make a screenshot and upload it in g2. Example of the screenshot is below, but you need to use your own screenshot and from your account.
  13. Choose your role. 
  14. Next question is if you or your company implement, resell or consult on behalf of AppFollow? Choose `No`.
  15. Then choose `Yes` for the question if you deploy AppFollow in the cloud as AppFollow works only in the cloud.
  16. When did you implement the AppFollow? Choose the year when you started using AppFollow. 
  17. Choose the percent of users in your company who adopted AppFollow. No need to be super correct here, just a guess would work, too.
  18. Hit the Next button and you will see a series of short questions with the options to choose your rating between 1 and 7. Feel free to choose the rate you’d like, tho please bear in mind that it will affect the final overall rating of your review.
  19. The last question would be how you implemented AppFollow. Choose `In-House Team` and hit the `Submit` button.

Your review now should be in the moderation process. Thanks so much for your time and effort! It means a lot to us! 

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