Advanced Automation Conditions

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Multiple Search is available for the Auto-tags and Auto-replies tools. Use Multiple Search to look for several words, or parts of a word, at the same time with the help of AND/OR operators.

Conditions are not case-sensitive. For example, the query "Great" will include Reviews that contain any combination of cases, such as "great" or "gReAt".

Search with the "OR" Operator

Review Text (or Translation) condition has four columns that give you four different ways to search for keywords: whole word, at the beginning, at the end, and the middle of the word.

For example, the list of two words “advertising” and “promo” will show you all the reviews that contain at least one of the chosen words. Use the Whole word column to search for exact matches. If you enter "ad" to At the beginning column, you'll see results that include "ads". If you add it to the At the end column, it’ll include “mad”. If you add it to In the middle column, it’ll include “saddened”.

Use the line breaks to search with either/or logic.

AppFollow's algorithm for the "contains" condition looks for a combination of symbols in Reviews that matches the characters in each line.

Use the "AND" Operator to Include Multiple Conditions

To include multiple conditions with the "AND" logic, click "+Add More Conditions". All conditions separated by an "AND" operator must be met for the Auto-tag or Auto-reply rule to work.

The same conditions, for example, Review Text contains, can be added several times. They shouldn’t contradict each other: Review rating = 5 stars AND Review rating < 3 stars.


When you create Auto-reply rules, it's possible to set up different conditions. Let's take a look at the most common use cases.  

If we create the following two rules: 

Rule 1:
Review rating is 5 stars

Review text contains fun


Review text contains love

-> This means the rule will be applied only if a review has all the listed conditions (the rating is 5 stars and text contains BOTH "fun" and "love").

Rule 2:
Review rating is 5 stars
Review text contains fun, love
-> There is a text condition for the review to contain several words from the list. This means the rule will be applied for a review that has ANY of these words.
If we receive the following two reviews:

Rule 1 will be applied only to 1st review, as it contains both words. The 2nd review doesn't satisfy the condition for Rule 1.
Rule 2 will be applied to both reviews. Both reviews have at least one of the words that trigger the rule.

Common Issues

If you notice that your rules don't work, please take a look at the following setup mistakes.

Review Text and Review Translation

Issue: There is a single rule with 2 conditions for “Review text contains” AND “Review Translation contains”.

Explanation: These conditions are separated by the "AND" operator, which means both conditions must be met for the rule to work. Since it isn't possible for some reviews to contain the same words in both the text and the translation, this rule won't work.

Try using just one of these conditions per rule. If you need to cover both translated and original versions of the phrase, use the "Review text or translation" condition instead.

Word Combinations

Issue: The condition "Review text contains" has a combination of words, but the review text has more words between them. 

Explanation: In the following example, the engine will look for exact matches for "good app" and "love this app", but will not include Reviews that contain "good project and app" or "I love this amazing app".

To cover these reviews, you can add multiple Review text conditions:

  1. Review text contains good, love
  2. Review text contains app

Irrelevant reviews were automated

Issue: The rule fires for more Reviews than expected. 

Explanation: Add more conditions, for example, search for exact word matches using the Whole word column in the Review Text (or Translation) conditions.

"AND" Operator: No Reviews Are Found

Issue: Conditions are separated by "AND" operators, so there are no reviews that match all conditions at once.
Explanation: Instead of using the "AND" operator in a single rule, try separating your queries with the "OR" operator (learn more in the section on how to Use the "OR" Operator). If needed, create multiple rules to encompass the various required conditions.

The Review Meets the Conditions of Multiple Rules

If a Review meets the conditions of multiple rules, then the rule with the highest priority is applied. The lower the number, the higher the priority. If several rules have the same priority, then the most recently created rule is applied. To check which rule is most recent, you can sort by Created on the Automation hub page.

Note: publishing modes do not affect this logic. Even if you use Approval mode, only the most recent rule is applied.

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