If you want to use a custom webhook URL and have AppFollow call that webhook to send your reviews. This is the Payload AppFollow sends on that webhook.
text: 'Review with full infrmation about stars, country, content, authore and reviews other fields',
reviews: [
replyLink: 'link to review',
version: 'version of app',
lang: 'lang for Google Play',
country: 'country for App Store',
title: 'review title',
content: 'review content',
rating: 'number of stars 1-5',
author: 'author',
date: 'review date YYYY-MM-DD',
store: 'App Store, Google Play, etc',
os: 'OS for Google Play with connect',
device: 'Device type for Google Play with connect',
review_id: 'XXXYYY',
is_beta: 'is beta review for Google Play with special connect',
app: {
ext_id: 'external app id',
title: 'app title',
link: 'app link',
icon: 'icon link',