Reviews Not Appearing in AppFollow Feed

Article author
Aisha Turdumambetova
  • Updated

You're browsing through your AppFollow Reviews feed, but you can't seem to locate the reviews from the stores, despite seeing them directly in the stores themselves. The reviews are accessible on the web public page for all data connections except the Google Play service account, as reviews from the console are exclusively available through this connection.

Cause №1: Workspace Settings

  • Click on the "gear" button in your workspace settings, and check which country is it set for.The
  • "Worldwide" setting displays reviews from all store locales. Sometimes, reviews might not appear if the settings are restricted to specific regions.

Cause №2: Moderation Process

  • Keep in mind that all reviews and replies go through a moderation process in both the App Store and Google Play.
  • The timestamp in AppFollow reflects when the review was submitted by the user, not when it passed moderation.
  • Reviews may appear older than they actually are due to this process.

Moderation Times

  • Google Play: Up to 24 hours.
    If Google Play integration is set up via the Service Account method, the reviews will be collected to your AppFollow account as soon as they are posted, regardless of the 24-hour moderation.
  • This is because Service Accounts allow us to collect reviews directly from your Google Play Console.

    When you connect to Google Play using the Service Account method, we can only gather information about the review language. Google does not provide country details with this integration.
    However, you can use the Reviews Country integration to collect country-specific details. If this integration is set up in any workspace within your AppFollow account, we collect reviews from the public app pages in the store. Please note that this can result in delays of up to 24 hours due to store moderation.

  • App Store Connect: Typically 8-12 hours, but delays of up to 3 days might occur in some cases.

Cause №3: Lack of Console Integration

  • Ensure that your app has an active console integration.
  • Reviews may take longer to sync if your account lacks an active Reply to Reviews integration.
  • To set up integration, refer to the guides below:

App Store and Mac App Store Connect Integration With 2FA
Google Play: Reply to Reviews Integration

If after following these steps you still can't see the reviews in AppFollow, please reach out to our support team and share the troubleshooting steps you've taken. We're here to assist you further.


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